Bulletin des partenaires

Mélissa Rivard

Le bulletin des partenaires du regroupement Memphré en Mouvement permet de suivre tous les bons coups et les actions du milieu.

Équipe Ressources Relais Enhancement Project

With the evaluation and enhancement funds from Avenir d’enfants, Memphré en Mouvement committed itself to enhancing Équipe Ressources Relais’s (ÉRR) structure. The partner organization, together with ÉRR’s Executive Council, would like to share with the partners the winning practices of a collaborative structure that have made the consolidation...

Kindergarten Transition Committee Broadens its Mandate

Following the confinement, the Kindergarten Transition Committee met and, with the support of the Project PRÉE, decided to broaden its mandate during the pandemic to support the 2020 school entry for all primary students. With the help of valued partners such as the Commission scolaire des Sommets, the CLC, the CIUSS de l’Estrie, the CPEs in th...

New Tools Available

The committees worked hard to develop and provide access to tools that are helpful in meeting the needs of our families. Some examples include: Language Development in Toddlers - Leaflets containing language tips for children ages 0 to 5 are available directly at Memphré en Mouvement’s office. These small leaflets are designed to inform paren...

Ministère de la Famille Transition Fund

With the end of Avenir d’enfants, the ministère de la Famille confirmed transitional funding for the mobilization of early childhood partners, which will allow Memphré en Mouvement to continue its actions on the ground until December 2020. This temporary funding will be dedicated in large part to the continuation of projects that would not hav...

Project Funding is Confirmed!

We’re pleased to announce that our request for funding for the coordination process between the Memphremagog Socio-Economic Youth Table and Memphré en Mouvement was met with enthusiasm by the Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation. This funding will enable the two bodies to coordinate their work on a part-time basis for a period of one year. The f...

A Coordinated Approach

Last spring, members of the Memphremagog Socio-Economic Youth Table and of Memphré en Mouvement decided on a coordinated approach that was sparked by the desire: To work together to prevent poverty and to reduce inequities for our respective client groups; To avoid duplications and «over consultation»; To have a common vision of the ...

The Transition to Kindergarten: Launching New Tools

When the Memphré en Mouvement collective conducted its 2009-2010 strategic planning, early childhood actors noted that children often experienced difficulties when transitioning to kindergarten. In order to reflect on the situation, an initial meeting was arranged in 2011, and a second one in 2017, between kindergarten teachers and Early Childh...

Eastern Townships Gathering: «Thinking Big for our Children»

On November 18, over 230 participants gathered to discuss ways of Thinking Big for Our Children. It was the first time the Collectif estrien 0-5 ans, the Partners for Educational Success in Estrie (Projet PRÉE) and the Public Health Department of the CIUSSS de l’Estrie - CHUS organized an event in the Eastern Townships to assess the current sta...

Mélissa Rivard, Memphré en Mouvement’s new Coordinator

For a little over ten years, I’ve been accompanying several actors in the Memphremagog territory involved in mobilization and concertation efforts for 0-17 year olds. These ten years have been rich in experiences, learning, accomplishments and wonderful meetings! As many of you already know, I’m leaving to take on new challenges. And it is w...

Une démarche d’arrimage

Au printemps dernier, les membres de la Table Jeunesse socio-économique de Memphrémagog ainsi que ceux de Memphré en Mouvement ont choisi un modèle d’arrimage déclenché par la volonté: De travailler ensemble sur la prévention de la pauvreté et la diminution des iniquités pour nos clientèles respectives; D’éviter des dédoublements et l’hyper-conc...