A Coordinated Approach

Last spring, members of the Memphremagog Socio-Economic Youth Table and of Memphré en Mouvement decided on a coordinated approach that was sparked by the desire:
  • To work together to prevent poverty and to reduce inequities for our respective
client groups;
  • To avoid duplications and «over consultation»;
  • To have a common vision of the reality of 0-35 year olds in order to develop
coherent actions that are ongoing and lead to actual prevention.
The two groups created a Coordinating Committee made up of the Board of Directors of the Youth Table and Memphré en Mouvement’s Coordinating Committee in order to support the process. This new structure will make it possible for us to develop a joint strategic plan for addressing cross-cutting issues based on available survey results.
At the end of a participatory meeting, last October, that focused on the socio-demographic findings in our territory and on the field expertise of participants, the members decided to work together on four priority issues over the next three years:
  • Educational success and school perseverance;
  • Drug and alcohol consumption and addictions;
  • Mental health;
  • Violence.
In keeping with these priorities, the partners are in the process of determining which strategies and actions need to be put in place. These strategies will be reflective of an inclusive process that takes into account the different vulnerable populations: Anglophones, residents of rural municipalities and boys. We hope a three-year action plan will be adopted by a joint meeting of the two groups next spring. During that important meeting, members will have the opportunity to explore new ways of working together for the wellbeing of our population.
Stay tuned!