Farm to Cafeteria

For almost a year now, a group of agricultural producers and professionals from pre-schools and schools have been working to set up a short-cycle partnership project with the help of the Project Manager from the Regional Inter-Sectoral Table on Healthy Lifestyles in Estrie, or TIR (Table Intersectorielle Régionale en Saines Habitudes de vie de l’Estrie). Their commitment led to the creation of ACCES (Alimentation Circuit Court Estrie), a non-profit organization working to bring locally produced foods into public agencies.
This regional project has two goals:
  1. Supply food staff who serve the 0-17 year-old clientele in Estrie with fresh, short cycle agri-food products from local producers;
  2. Prioritize the development of Healthy Lifestyle Habits among this clientele and their families through educational activities.
Members of the Provisional Board of ACCES are working hard to spread awareness of the project among the various departments and agencies that could help them achieve their ambitious goal!
The Viewpoint of a Vegetable Grower
As a vegetable grower, it’s a wonderful opportunity for me to be involved in a practical way in my region. It’s very rewarding to know that part of my production will be dedicated to feeding young people in Estrie.
Dave Guilbeault
The Viewpoint of the Director of an Educational Establishment
We’ve been working very aggressively to start this organization. As the Director of a CPE, I wish to provide our clientele with fresh regional products. But most of all, I want to create a professional relationship with the vegetable grower and take pride in contributing to his or her economic success.
Johanne Rioux
We’re calling on you to bring together people who’d like to join us in this wonderful adventure! If you’re interested in being a part of it as a producer (fruits, vegetables, meat), an educational establishment (CPE, daycare, school) or a volunteer, please give us a call at 819-432-1324,and we’ll be happy to speak with you!
For more information, you can reach Denis Delbois:
Cell phone: 1(819)432-1324