Kindergarten Transition Committee Broadens its Mandate

Following the confinement, the Kindergarten Transition Committee met and, with the support of the Project PRÉE, decided to broaden its mandate during the pandemic to support the 2020 school entry for all primary students.
With the help of valued partners such as the Commission scolaire des Sommets, the CLC, the CIUSS de l’Estrie, the CPEs in the MRC, the Maison de la Famille, the Équipe Ressources-Relais, Public Health authorities and the Project PRÉE, a communication unit was set up to develop a common language in order to meet the needs of parents. Together we will explore different ways of supporting families and organizations during this crisis.
The partners found that families were in need of a reliable communication channel in order to learn about new guidelines concerning the start of the school year in the fall. At the moment, overwhelmed by decisions and protocols originating from many different sources, families are wondering what the possible scenarios are, and how to plan for a smooth school entry. The Transition Committee, sensitive to the situation, becomes a focal point for verified information that is shared in a caring and proactive manner.