Mélissa Rivard, Memphré en Mouvement’s new Coordinator

For a little over ten years, I’ve been accompanying several actors in the Memphremagog territory involved in mobilization and concertation efforts for 0-17 year olds. These ten years have been rich in experiences, learning, accomplishments and wonderful meetings!
As many of you already know, I’m leaving to take on new challenges. And it is with great confidence that I’m handing over the files and the stage to your new coordinator, Mélissa Rivard.
Mélissa has been with us since September. She comes to us from Montréal, where she developed mobilization, community development, concertation and project management skills, notably with Dynamo.
She is taking over the activities of the collective with a great deal of professionalism, and is already putting her own stamp on things. A number of you have had the opportunity to meet her and to sample her experience and qualifications, as well as her personality!
Mélissa’s contact information is as follows:
Email: coordo@memphreenmouvement.org
Cell phone: 514 299-1281
So I can feel good about leaving, knowing Memphré en Mouvement is in good hands!
And welcome, Mélissa, to the active and engaged community that is Memphremagog!
Isabelle Mercieca