Project Funding is Confirmed!

We’re pleased to announce that our request for funding for the coordination process between the Memphremagog Socio-Economic Youth Table and Memphré en Mouvement was met with enthusiasm by the Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation. This funding will enable the two bodies to coordinate their work on a part-time basis for a period of one year.
The funding will be dedicated to an initial dialogue phase, allowing the partners to combine their expertise and capabilities in order to develop a common strategic plan for working together on cross-cutting issues in a more efficient and sustainable way, while avoiding duplication and hyper-consultation. Subsequently, the Coordinating Committee and the Foundation will reflect on all the different options for continued long-term funding.
The details of this agreement and subsequent phases of the coordinated approach will be shared during a meeting of members in the fall.
Thank you all for your support and contribution to the co-construction process. Memphré en Mouvement is looking forward to pursuing its mandate, in collaboration with community actors, to help young people and their families in Memphremagog.
For more details about the Foundation, go to: